Current Members

Alliance Membership

The Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens is a truly global alliance of botanic gardens and likeminded institutions.  There are over 400 members from across the world, working towards the shared objective addressing climate change to protect plants, people and the planet.

Membership Categories

  • Founding Member: founding organisations of the Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens
  • Member: arboreta, botanic gardens, plant conservation organisations, botanical education institutions
  • Associate Member: individuals, academics, technical experts and professionals as well as volunteer associations working in the horticultural, scientific or nature engagement fields
  • Friends of the Alliance: Other interested parties and individuals.

Membership Survey

Early in 2022 a survey of the Alliance membership was conducted and overseen by members of the UBC Botanical Garden.

This survey was voluntary and sought to capture what climate adaptation, landscape succession, scientific research initiatives and projects are being undertaken by member institutions.

The response received demonstrates the breadth of work being completed across a diverse range of subjects from around the world. If you are undertaking or looking to commence climate adaptation work, there are institutions working along similar lines and great opportunities for collaboration.

Survey results can be found here

Current Members 

The Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens was launched at the inaugural botanic gardens Climate Change Summit, at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria in Melbourne in December 2018. The founding members agreed to form the Alliance are listed below.

Current Members

Founding Members

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria

Melbourne, Australia

International Association of Botanic Gardens


Botanic Gardens Conservation International


Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand

Australian and New Zealand

Beijing Botanical Garden

Beijing, China 

Botanic Garden of the City of Buenos Aires 'Carlos Thays'


Butterfly image

Eden Project

Cornwall, England

Jerusalem Botanic Gardens

Jerusalem, Israel

Moreton Arboretum

Chicago, USA

Nanshan Botanical Gardens

Chongqing, China

Royal Botanic Gardens CSIC

Madrid, Spain 

South African National Biodiversity Institute

(SANBI), South Africa

University California Davis Arboretum and Public Garden

California, USA