Raising Rarity School's Conservation Program

Raising Rarity is a dynamic, interdisciplinary project that unites the expertise of our science, horticulture and learning teams to conserve and manage rare and critically endangered plant species facing imminent extinction.

We lead a hands-on conservation initiative with students from schools in both Primary and Secondary settings. By offering direct support, horticultural and scientific expertise, species discovery day incursions and significant touchpoints along the journey; we equip students and staff to take on the cultivation, maintenance and long-term monitoring of a plant species identified as endangered or vulnerable to extinction in their bioregion.

We aim to build capacity and foster a collective responsibility for safeguarding Victoria's threatened plant species. Our mission is to empower communities to take local action from the ground up, nurturing a growing generation of environmental stewards and share the vision and work to protect our state's unique botanical flora.

Program Outline:

  1. RBG Incursion – Species Discovery Day 
  2. RBG Excursion – Research Garden Design and Set Up 
  3. RBG Excursion – Planting out 
  4. RBG Excursion - Plant Monitoring and Maintenance 
  5. RBG Incursion – Celebration Day – Seed Harvest and Handover

Initiating the Raising Rarity program at your school occurs in Term 1 and runs for the whole year. Depending on plant species, Celebration Day occurs in Term 4 or Term 1 of the following year.

Please get in touch with raisingrarity@rbg.vic.gov.au if you have any questions or fill in the Expression of Interest form on this page if you are interested in participating in this program.

Fill out the Expression of Interest form here:

Ian and Shirley Norman Foundation