Our Journal: Muelleria

Muelleria is the botanical research journal of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. First published in 1955 by the National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Muelleria features papers on Southern Hemisphere plant, algal and fungal systematics, particularly those relating to Australia.

Papers in Muelleria are published immediately online when they are ready for publication. Printed volumes containing recently published papers are produced annually, typically in May–June. 

Editor in Chief: Alastair Robinson 

Associate Editors: Naveed Davoodian, Rebecca Miller, Tom May, Andre Messina, Chris Jackson, and Frank Udovicic.


Acceptable submissions include: taxonomic revisions; phylogenetic and biogeographical studies; short papers describing new taxa (including overseas members of genera represented in the indigenous flora of Australia), documentation of nationally significant new records, or resolutions of nomenclatural matters; historical analyses relevant to systematics; and any significant research contributing to our knowledge of plant, algal or fungal diversity.

Papers may be submitted at any time. Authors must review and adhere to the Instructions to Authors when preparing manuscripts for submission. Submitted papers that do not adhere to the house style will be returned to the submitting author for correction before entering the review process, incurring delay.

Please use Microsoft Word to prepare your manuscript as tracking is used during the peer review process. You must download the Muelleria template and use the prepared styles to format the text of your manuscript correctly.

In committing to the review process, submitting authors accept that all Editor decisions are final.

Nagoya Protocol

Herbarium specimens collected after 12 October 2014 fall under Nagoya Protocol regulations, and as such their legal acquisition and use is subject to prior informed consent on mutually agreed terms established in conjunction with the jurisdictions from which the materials originate.

Muelleria will not publish any research that does not provide evidence of informed consent where the submitted works are based on specimens collected after this date. In the case of specimen collections, this requirement is typically satisfied by the provision of a statement in the Materials & Methods identifying the valid collecting permit or license number, and/or the provision of said paperwork to the Editor as part of the submission.

Current Volume: 43 (2024–2025)

Papers in Muelleria are published online prior to the publication of the printed volume, the publication date appears on the first page of the paper. Articles published thus far in the current volume are as follows:

Olearia apiculata (Asteraceae), a new species endemic to the Central Tablelands of New South Wales

Messina, A.

pp. 3–8

Synonymisation of Erigeron conyzoides under E. acris (Asteraceae: Astereae), with a key to Australian Erigeron

Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N. & Chen, S.H.

pp. 9–16

Previous volumes of Muelleria

Our back catalogue is being added below. If you would like to access previous issues of Muelleria not yet uploaded here, all articles can be found online at the Biodiversity Heritage Library. You can also email the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Library with requests via library@rbg.vic.gov.au.

For other queries please email reception@rbg.vic.gov.au or call 03 9252 2300.


Since January 2013, each volume of Muelleria has consisted of a single issue published in the first half of the year. The journal is delivered by airmail worldwide. The following subscription rates are in $AUD and include postage.


  • Australia: $40 per year (including GST)
  • Overseas: $62 per year


  • Australia: $50 per year (including GST)
  • Overseas: $77 per year

You may order through your regular agent or directly from Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. To do so, please contact the Library.