Muelleria 29(1)
Muelleria – Vol. 29(1): 1–96 (2011)
Muelleria Volume 29(1) was first published as hard copy on 10 January 2011 and subsequently made available online.
Contributed papers
Six new infraspecific taxa in Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) for Victoria (PDF - 214 kB)
K. Rule
pp. 3–15
Two new mallee Eucalypts (Myrtaceae) from Gippsland, Victoria (PDF - 271 kB)
K. Rule and W.M. Molyneux
pp. 16–26
(see also Muelleria Vol. 29(2), p. 201: Corrigenum: Two new mallee Eucalypts (Myrtaceae) from Gippsland, Victoria, Rule & Molyneux (2011), Muelleria 29(1), pp. 16–26)
Arthonia banksiae (lichenised ascomycetes) and its synonyms (PDF - 1.88 MB)
G. Kantvilas and V. Stasjic
pp. 27–32
An etymology of Australian bryophyte genera. 2 — Mosses (PDF - 204 kB)
D. Meagher
pp. 33–61
New combinations in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) (PDF - 102 kB)
A. Schuiteman and P.B. Adams
pp. 62–68
P.B. Adams
pp. 69–80
(see also Muelleria Vol. 29(2), p. 201: Corrigenum: New combinations and two new central Queensland taxa in the Dendrobium tetragonum (Orchidaceae:Epidendroideae) complex, Adams (2011), Muelleria 29(1), pp. 69–80)
P.B. Adams, J.M. Burke and S.D. Lawson
pp. 81–86
G. Brown and S. Gardner
pp. 87–92
Short communication
S. Hoebbee
pp. 93–96