Muelleria 33
Muelleria – Vol. 33 (2014–2015)
Muelleria Volume 33 was published in hard copy on 21 May 2015.
Where papers in Muelleria Volume 33 were published online prior to the publication of the printed volume, the publication date appears on the first page of the paper.
Contributed papers
C. Marks and N. Walsh
pp. 3–11
Australian coralloid fungi IV – Ramaria filicicola (PDF - 2.31 MB)
A.M. Young
pp. 13–19
Studies in Podolepis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) (PDF - 1.03 MB)
J.A. Jeanes
pp. 21–59
D. Frood
pp. 61–65
Eucalyptus ambigua is not the correct name for the Smithton Peppermint of Tasmania (PDF - 4.61 MB)
M.F. de Salas and A.M. Gray
pp. 67–73
Notes on Potentilla (Rosaceae) and related genera in Australia (PDF - 1.62MB)
A.R. Bean
pp. 75–83
A.J. Brown
pp. 85–95
Naturalised species of Psoralea (Fabaceae: Psoraleeae) in Australia (PDF - 4.04MB)
C.H. Stirton, V. Stajsic and A. Bello
pp. 97–107
Validation of three new species of Lecidella from Australia (PDF - 541KB)
G. Kantvilas, J.A. Elix and T.W. May
pp. 109–110
K. Rule
p. 111
p. 113
Correction to synonymy of Olearia tenuifolia in Walsh (2014), Muelleria 32, pp. 34–38 (PDF - 276KB)
N. Walsh
p. 115