Muelleria 37
Muelleria - Vol. 37 (2018-2019)
Where papers in Muelleria Volume 37 were published online prior to the publication of the printed volume, the publication date appears on the first page of the paper.
Contributed papers
A conspectus of Teucrium (Lamiaceae) in Queensland
A.R. Bean
pp. 3-18
A new combination for an Australian fern: Hymenasplenium wildii (Aspleniaceae)
D.J. Ohlsen, L.R. Perrie, P.J. Brownsey and M.J. Bayly
pp. 19-22
Examining the Acacia boormanii complex (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae); classification of a new subspecies
K.J. Tucker, D.J. Murphy, N. Walsh
pp. 23-32
A review of Iotasperma (Asteraceae: Astereae)
A.R. Bean
pp. 33-38
K. Rule
pp. 39-64
Lachnagrostis (Poaceae) in the Highlands of New Guinea
A. Brown
pp. 65-74
(see also Muelleria Vol. 38, p. 125: Erratum: Lachnagrostis (Poaceae) in the Highlands of New Guinea, Brown (2019), Muelleria 37, pp. 65–75)
K. Rule and N. Walsh
pp. 75
Lachnagrostis willdenowii Nees (Poaceae) – the name that never was
A. Brown
pp. 79-84
The journeys and botanical collections of Edward Macarthur Bowman (1826–1872)
A.R. Bean
pp. 85-99
Three new species of Gyroporus (Boletales, Basidiomycota) from Australia
N. Davoodian, N.L. Bougher, N.A. Fechner, S.E. Bergemann and R.E. Halling
pp. 101-107
A. Messina and N.G. Walsh
pp. 109-117
Pluchea rubelliflora and Pterocaulon sphacelatum (Asteraceae): new to Victoria’s semi-arid floodplains
C. Moxham, V. Stajsic, S.A. Kenny, K. Bennetts, G. Sutter, I. Sluiter and D. Cameron
pp. 119-126
G.W. Carr
pp. 127-132