Catherine Gallagher
Team Leader Collections Curation
Catherine Gallagher oversees the curation officer team at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (MEL). The curation team is responsible for maintaining the herbarium collections, including accessioning new material, processing loans and exchange, servicing image and information requests, implementing integrated pest management programs and assisting visiting botanists and other researchers.
Catherine has a particular interest in MEL’s foreign collections, especially the Sonder herbarium. She was also the Project Manager for the Herbarium Discovery Walk project.
Gallagher, C. (2007). Notes on the early history of the collections of the National Herbarium of Victoria. In A. McArthur (ed.), Through the eyes of Goyder, Master Planner, pp. 274–275. Kanawinka Writers and Historians Inc., Adelaide.
Gallagher, C.L. and Moraes, P. de (2014). Hidden treasures: Brazilian plants collected by Prince Maximilian zu Wied in the National Herbarium of Victoria (MEL). Muelleria 32, 58–71.
Moraes, P.L.R. de, Smedt, S. de, Esser, H.-J., Gallagher, C. and Guglielmone, L. (2013). On some Brazilian plants distributed by Martius in 1827 and published by Colla in 1833. Harvard Papers in Botany 18, 23–36.
Moraes, P.L.R. de, Smedt, S. de, Esser, H.-J., Gallagher, C. and Guglielmone, L. (2013). On some Brazilian plants distributed by Martius in 1827 and published by Colla in Herbarium Pedemontanum – II. Harvard Papers in Botany 18, 197–210.
Moraes, P.L.R. de, Smedt, S. de, Esser, H.-J., Gallagher, C. and Guglielmone, L. (2013). On some Brazilian plants distributed by Martius in 1827 and published by Colla in Herbarium Pedemontanum – III. Harvard Papers in Botany 18, 211–223.